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S3/020 | Professor Tony Chan | How is KAUST nurturing innovative young minds

Meet Professor Tony Chan, President of KAUST, leading the way in scientific innovation and investing in young minds., STEM, education

In this episode, we’re joined by Professor Tony Chan, who is the third president of King Abdullah University of Science and Technology. Tony oversees an institution dedicated to a new age of scientific achievement, investing in humanity by nurturing innovative young minds.

A Future Beyond Aging: A Deep Dive with Professor Tony Chan

In a riveting conversation with Adam Boulton, Professor Tony Chan, President of King Abdullah University for Science and Technology (KAUST), unraveled the enthralling mysteries of human life extension. As an evolving field primarily driven by philanthropy, longevity research is revolutionizing our perception of aging and harboring hopes for a future where age is just a number.

According to Professor Chan, our understanding of aging is shifting. It’s being increasingly viewed as a condition that we might be able to control or even reverse, rather than an inevitable downward spiral. The core goal is to validate the concept; to prove that extending human life isn’t merely a plot for a sci-fi novel but a plausible scientific reality that might soon translate into concrete health benefits.

An integral part of the conversation with Professor Chan revolves around the potential to develop powerful therapies to combat age-related diseases. From cancer to heart disease, dementia, and more, the afflictions that usually strike in later life may soon be conquerable. Professor Chan suggests that the future of medical science lies beyond just treating these conditions; the true victory would be their total eradication.

However, longevity isn’t solely about the physical body; cognitive health is of equal importance. As Professor Chan rightly puts it, what’s the point of a youthful body if the mind is on a declining trajectory? Preventing conditions like dementia, therefore, forms a crucial part of longevity research. Intriguingly, the techniques to achieve this may broadly align with those used to eliminate physical cellular damage.

The conversation also delves into the societal implications of significantly extended lifespans. With the potential of people living much longer or even indefinitely, it could alter our traditional life stages, such as parenthood and grandparenthood. But, as Professor Chan points out, societal change isn’t necessarily negative; after all, society is dynamic and has always evolved in response to shifts in life expectancy, such as the massive reduction in infant mortality over the past century.

An interesting tangent discussed by Professor Chan is the intersection of life extension research with other technological advancements. The advent of self-driving cars, for instance, could reduce road accidents, indirectly contributing to our longevity. This perspective paints a vibrant picture of the future, where diverse technological advancements collectively enhance human lifespan.

Drawing an analogy between the human body and a machine, Professor Chan emphasizes the importance of maintenance and repair for extending our lives. Similar to how we can prevent a car from rusting and keep it running as good as new, we could potentially maintain and repair our bodies. By addressing aging-related issues such as bone density loss and cellular damage, we could possibly decelerate, halt, or even reverse the aging process.

In the discussion with Adam Boulton, Professor Chan acknowledges the psychological impact of extended lifespans. As people live longer, societal structures and norms will inevitably shift. However, as he insightfully points out, “we don’t need to get paranoid about some sudden change in the demographic distribution of humanity.” The changes will be gradual, giving societies ample time to adapt.

As we stand on the threshold of a future where aging could be a thing of the past, Professor Chan envisions an accelerated progress in the coming decade: speeding up this pivotal research and bringing life-extending therapies to the forefront.

This intriguing dialogue with Professor Chan gives us a glimpse into a future teeming with possibilities; a world where age-related diseases are a part of history and where ‘normal lifespan’ is an open-ended question. Importantly, it also reminds us that the quest for a longer life isn’t just about adding years to life, but also adding life to those years. Healthspan, therefore, remains at the heart of this exciting journey.
