Amplifying our capacities and revolutionizing the way we work and live

AI & Robotics at a glance

Artificial Intelligence (AI) helps machines process and gain insights from large amounts of data that would be overwhelming to the human brain, identifying patterns that lead to a wider range of solutions.

FII Institute curates and supports technology-for-good innovations that drive impact in our priority areas of health, education, and sustainability. A key enabler of efficient, high-quality automation, robotics can play a fundamental role in a productive zero-carbon economy. FII Institute actively seeks out, supports and leverages technology-for-good applications to achieve our objectives of equitable access to healthcare and education and global food security.

ESG Check

We look to balance advancements in AI & Robotics with the need to safeguard employment in global markets.

Featured Publications


In his op-ed, Professor Jeffrey Sachs explores the transformative power of technology through the ages, culminating in the current era of digital globalization driven by artificial intelligence. Sachs outlines the profound societal shifts brought about by past technological breakthroughs and emphasizes the urgent need for economic and political institutions to adapt to the rapid advancements in AI.

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Latest Publications on AI & Robotics


In his op-ed, Professor Jeffrey Sachs explores the transformative power of technology through the ages, culminating in the current era of digital globalization driven by artificial intelligence. Sachs outlines the profound societal shifts brought about by past technological breakthroughs and emphasizes the urgent need for economic and political institutions to adapt to the rapid advancements in AI.

Artificial Intelligence & The Future Of Work: Closing the AI Gap between High-Income Countries and Emerging Markets and Developing Economies

Explore how emerging technologies like AI are reshaping the way we learn, teach, and work, emphasizing the importance of preparing for the future job market. It aims to bridge the digital gap between regions and ensure that all learners and educators have access to the latest advancements in AI.


AI for ESG Impact Report 2024

Sustainable finance stands at a crucial crossroads as we confront the pressing challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss, and resource depletion. These issues pose significant threats to the very foundation of our economy and society. In response to these challenges, sustainable finance has emerged as a powerful tool to guide investments towards environmentally and socially […]

A View From The Inside: A Client-And Employee-Centric Approach To AI

State Street’s experts Mostapha Tahiri and Brian Franz present a comprehensive examination of the transformative possibilities that AI has when it comes to data-driven institutional investment decisions around the globe.

AI And The Future Impact Report 2024

AI Impact Report: From speculation to reality, addressing AI's potential and ethics for societal benefit.

Powering up: A revolution in robotics and artificial intelligence

We are now living through the early stages of a similarly rapid revolution in robotics and artificial intelligence — and the effect on society could be just as enormous.


Spotlight June 2022 – Teaching Robots

Can machines learn to walk and act in the real world in a similar way to how children do it? Starting from scratch, watching, copying, trying, failing, retrying? Learning to move is not as easy as learning to think – but the robots are getting closer.

Impact June 2022 – Digital Twin

A digital twin is the virtual version of something that happens or exists in physical space – whether a process, person, or object. The digital twin operates in the same way as their physical relative, and in real time, coded as a virtual model to carry out the same tasks or think in the same way. The concept of the digital twin has now moved out of industry and into everyday life with the rise of the Metaverse, as we start to see digital twins of ourselves likely to live, work, and play within it.

Spotlight Series: Digital Magic Air

With 5G connectivity the air around us becomes magic – and our individual digital sphere will surround us continuously. And 5G even has the potential to be more than a data playground for the global elites. With a little help from space technology it can bridge the digital divide and create a level online playing field for humanity

Impact Report 2022: Robotics Revolution

FII Institute publishes its fifth impact report as we enter a golden age for innovation in robotics. In the mid- 20th century, many scientists and writers envisioned the 2020s as full of highly intelligent robots of all shapes and sizes. While this might not have happened quite as imagined, things are now changing fast.
