Closing the gaps how technology is changing the face of education

FII INSTITUTE publishes the fifth of our report series as millions of children remain without access to basic education. The digital divide is growing wider between people and regions that have access to modern information and communications technology and those that don’t. It cuts across class, race and national borders, leaving the ‘haves’ with the highest-quality education available, and the ‘have-nots’ with little or no access to quality education.


October 25, 2021
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“FII INSTITUTE publishes the fifth of our report series as millions of children remain without access to basic education. The digital divide is growing wider between people and regions that have access to modern information and communications technology and those that don’t. It cuts across class, race and national borders, leaving the ‘haves’ with the highest-quality education available, and the ‘have-nots’ with little or no access to quality education.

But breakthroughs in modern technology make it possible for many more children to have access to affordable, good-quality education to prepare them for the jobs of the future in both their respective environments and the world at large.

This report focuses attention on future trends and tendencies in education. Along with AI, robotics, healthcare and sustainability, education is the fifth pillar on which FII Institute plans to build a brighter future for all and with all. We embrace diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), while advocating on behalf of learners, young and old, globally.

This is the moment to make real and sustainable change in the way we approach education. In the wake of the ravaging pandemic that we are still emerging from, the world saw that technology exists that could deliver quality education to millions more, but which isn’t made accessible or affordable.

Join us as we explore how technology-based education and upskilling will not only improve lives, but also reinvigorate communities, break the cycle of poverty, promote social mobility and close the large opportunity divide separating so many young people around the world.”

Richard Attias
CEO, FII Institute

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